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Middle School Grades

Sixth Grade

Sixth Grade begins the middle school Lab Learner program. This year we are using new digital spectrophotometers, oxygen meters, thermometers and balances, which are more sensitive and precise than our older tools.  We will also use digital microscopes that can project a slide view on the student chromebooks. In sixth grade students study matter, energy, and earth science topics. Students participate in the school Science Fair and are eligible to participate in the North Museum Science and Engineering Fair. Outdoors we work on composting and gardening. One of the highlights of Sixth Grade is being partnered with our Preschool students as Prayer Pals. Students meet monthly to help with crafts, read stories, and provide a familiar face in the hallway!  Sixth grade math concepts include measurement, number sense, operations with fractions, decimals and integers, ratios, and problem solving skills.   

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Mrs. Ann DiNovis, 6th Grade Homeroom,
Middle school Science and Math Teacher


The Golden Apple Award symbolizes a teacher’s professional excellence, leadership,

commitment to Catholic values, and devotion to teaching in Catholic schools.


Hello, I am Mrs. Ann DiNovis, the 6th Grade homeroom teacher. I also instruct the  6th, 7th and 8th Grade students in Math and Science. I am a parishioner of St. James Parish in Lititz. I have a BA in Biology from the Catholic University of America, and earned my education certification at Millersville University. Catholic education at OMPH School has been an important part of my family’s life for many years. My children are graduates of OMPH School, and several grandchildren as well. I enjoy teaching in a Catholic school where forming our children in the faith, as well as in academics, is paramount.

Seventh Grade

Seventh Grade students participate in our school science fair and are eligible to compete in the North Museum Science Fair.  Science class focuses on the periodic table and chemistry in the fall and biology in the spring. Seventh Grade math begins with data analysis and probability — students create and analyze various types of graphs used in statistics. Other topics include expressions and equations, percentages, integers, solving equations, and geometry.

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Mrs. Teri Neafach, 7th Grade Homeroom,
Middle School ILA Teacher

Mrs. Teri Neafach has been teaching Language Arts for close to twenty-five years.  She began teaching at her alma mater, Holy Name High School in Berks County, and then retired from Daniel Boone Area School District  to return to Catholic School teaching after the 2020-21 school year. Most recently she taught English at Berks Catholic, and she is thrilled to now be teaching at her parish school. She holds a M.Ed. from Kutztown University in English Education. 

Eighth Grade

In science class, the eighth grade students study watersheds and physical science - friction, heat, light, sound, electricity and magnetism.  They will also do some dissection when we study body systems. Participation in science fair is optional for eighth graders.  Eighth Grade math students may take either pre-algebra, or Algebra 1 through Lancaster Catholic High School.

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Mr. Charles Landry, 8th Grade Homeroom,
Middle School Social Studies and Religion Teacher

Last year, after a 20+ year career as a civil litigation trial attorney, I joined the OMPH family as the technology instructor and IT helpdesk for the school, while my six children attended as students.  As I return for the 2024-2025 school year, I am beyond excited to transition into a new role at the school, as I join the middle school team as the religion and social studies teacher for the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.  I am eager to put my academic background to good use in this role, as I have earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in history (with a concentration in military affairs), political science (with a concentration in international relations), and sociology. In addition to my undergraduate degrees, I was also awarded a Juris Doctorate degree upon graduating from law school. Presently, I am enrolled at Millersville University as I work towards a Master’s degree in Education.  In the classroom, my approach to teaching social studies is not to simply have students memorize specific events, dates, or people, but rather encourage the students to analyze and evaluate how certain events and periods in time helped shape future societies and cultures. My goal is for students to consider what lessons can be learned from history and how those lessons can provide them with a better understanding and appreciation for the world we currently live in.  I’m also blessed to be able to expand upon my passion for youth ministry with the opportunity to teach religion classes.  I hope to bring a youth group atmosphere to the classroom each day, and look forward to witnessing the youth grow in their faith journey.  In addition to teaching at Our Mother of Perpetual Help school, I am active in the parish youth group. My role as an adult Core Leader in the youth group includes helping to plan and implement the weekly Life Teen meetings, as well as other events throughout the year.  These events include fundraisers, like the annual car wash, as well as the highlight of each year, attending the three day youth conference held at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio each June. In addition to my involvement with the parish youth group, this past summer, I assisted the parish religious education program with the three day Confirmation Retreat as the current 9th graders worked towards receiving their sacrament.  I also spent several weeks during the summer break as a counselor at the OMPH Summer Camp.

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