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1st & 2nd Grade News

Making it Rain in First Grade

Mrs. Hoffmann’s First Grade class is off to a great start! Last month, First Graders participated in lessons and activities centered around the story in their reader, The Storm. The story is about a boy who is afraid during a thunderstorm, and is comforted by his grandpa. In Religion, students talked about how Jesus comforts them during their time of need and when they are scared. The class discussed how they can turn to Jesus through prayer to help them during a difficult time. In Science, First Grade worked in groups in the Science Lab and did a rain cloud experiment! They used a pipette to drop blue dye into a shaving cream “cloud,” which was on top of a beaker filled with water. When the “rain cloud” filled up, the blue dye came “raining” down. During this experiment the students observed gravity pulling the water droplets (with blue dye) down from the clouds (shaving cream), just like when it rains or storms. Mrs. Hoffmann discussed the water cycle and the terms evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. The students really enjoyed this fun culminating activity that connected Literature and Science!


Second Grade Bonds with Prayer Pals

Mrs. Eberly’s Second Grade Class has a special spiritual bond with their Eighth Grade prayer pals. They pray for and encourage each other as both classes prepare to receive the sacraments of Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation. They meet with their prayer pals monthly, and the older students assist the younger students in seasonal and spiritual activities. This year the Second Grade culminated their lessons on the rosary by making their own rosaries with the assistance of their Eighth Grade buddies! Second Grade walked to the Grotto one beautiful afternoon, praying the rosary on their way there. Our younger students are blessed to have our older students as role models of spirituality.

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