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Our Fantastic 5th & 6th Grades

Fantastic Fifth Grade!

Fifth Grade scholars recently wrapped up their study of early human life, the parts & functions of a microscope, and how to properly use a microscope to clearly view specimens on glass slides. Art projects reflected what was learned about early human life, and included ‘cave paintings’. Two STEM projects related to the study of the hunter-gatherer lifestyle included creating containers to hold gathered food and making tools that an archaeologist might find useful when searching for buried ancient artifacts.

Fifth Grade also recently began their study of the Neolithic Era, when humans began to farm and domesticate animals. After that, they’ll begin to study the early civilizations of the Fertile Crescent including Sumer, the Assyrian and Persian Empires, the Phoenicians, the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, as well as Judaism.

Under the direction of our dedicated principal, Fifth Graders have been working with Third Grade to practice for their presentation of the Stations of the Nativity that was preformed on December 8 during our school Mass. Fifth Graders did the readings while the Third Graders enact the story of Christ’s birth.

Super Sixth Grade!

Grade 6 will participate in the OMPH science fair on January 24, along with the 7th grade students. The sixth graders selected their own topic to research. They learned about independent and dependent variables, refined experimental procedures, and proposed hypotheses for their experiments. The students are now working at home with the goal of completing their experiments before returning to school after Christmas vacation. January will be the time to analyze their results and prepare a tri-fold presentation board for the science fair judges.

Fifth and Sixth Grade Work Together!

This year, the Fifth and Sixth Grade classes at OMPH School have been given the opportunity to participate in a Junior Achievement program called JA BizTown.

Every Monday morning since October 2, students in Grades 5 & 6 have been learning about communities, human and natural resources, a free enterprise economy, work readiness skills, financial literacy, and business management. At the culmination of months of weekly classroom lessons, the students will spend the day at the JA BizTown simulation site located in downtown York, PA. Every student will participate by becoming a Town Citizen and assuming a job in one of the Town businesses.

Students will experience economics first-hand by producing and/or selling a product or a service, receiving a paycheck, working as a member of a business team, repaying a business loan, shopping, and managing a personal bank account.

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