Dear Parishioners and Families,
It is hard to believe that a new school year is beginning. We have been blessed with a wonderful faculty who will all be returning for the 2022-2023 school year! We are excited to welcome back our current students and welcome all our new students to the OMPH school family.
The teachers are busy working on their classrooms, getting them ready for the children. We are grateful to our Knights of Columbus who worked so hard to replace the lights and ceilings in some of our classrooms. The Hummer family painted these classrooms, giving them a new fresh look! The school looks amazing!
Using the some of the funds from The ExtraGive, a new boiler has been installed! This was a very necessary improvement, since the old boiler was original to the school!
We are looking forward to providing more activities for our students. Many of our clubs had to be cancelled because of COVID protocols. We are excited to bring back the fun activities that we used to do with the kids.
If you have a child in Pre-K to 8th grade and are looking for a change in your child’s education, please contact me at psnyder@omph.org. Allow us to show you what a difference a Catholic Education can make in the life of your child.
Thank you for your support of our wonderful school!
Mrs. Peggy Snyder