Welcome to Our Mother of Perpetual Help School
Our Mother of Perpetual Help School in Ephrata, PA is a Catholic school dedicated to nurturing all that is Christ-like
and good in our children. Offering instruction to children in preschool through eighth grade, OMPH strives to
present an education that is rigorous and fully adequate to prepare our students for their future role in the world, while ensuring the strong spiritual formation of our youth in the rich traditions of the Catholic faith. OMPH School’s nurturing
of children begins in the classroom but extends beyond the academics. The vision of administration, teachers,
and staff is to embrace the education of the whole child; spiritually, intellectually, socially, and physically.

Reverence for God.

Respect for Others.

Responsibility for Self.
Where faith, families & community come together.
Empowering children to reach their fullest potential.
OMPH School was established in 1957 under the direction of the Bernardine Sisters of the Third Order of Francis,
Today, our school is fully staffed by a dedicated lay faculty. Our curriculum is established and directed by the
Diocese of Harrisburg. Our Mother of Perpetual Help School is open to all students regardless of race, religion or national origin.
OMPH School is an Equal Opportunity Provider.