When discussing ideas for their field trip earlier this year, one of the OMPH School Fifth Grade students, Jaxon Stoltzfus, suggested visiting an animal rescue facility. Field trips usually require an admission fee, paid for by the Fund for OMPH School through the generosity of benefactors during the ExtraGive. Jaxon suggested donating the money they would have spent on an admission fee to the rescue group instead.
His classmates loved the idea, so Fifth Grade teacher, Miss Dottie Boyd, reached out to a few local rescue groups to find out how her class could get involved. “Rose Bridge Farm & Sanctuary in Drescher, PA welcomed us with open arms immediately,” Miss Boyd exclaimed.
On April 25, Fifth Grade headed out to Rose Bridge Farm. Students spent the day helping volunteers complete various farm chores, including scrubbing water buckets and bowls, stocking hay racks, shoveling animal pens, and hauling manure in a wheelbarrow. After all of their hard work, they were rewarded with plenty of cuddle time with the assortment of rescued animals: sheep, calves, baby goats, chicks, bunnies, kittens, piglets, and even baby camels! Before leaving, the students stopped in the gift shop for mementos, with all sales going directly back to the farm.
Before heading back to school, the class stopped at a local park up the road to eat lunch and play on the playground. Rose Bridge Farm staff relayed to Miss Boyd that our “kids were amazing and they (the staff) loved having them there... they allowed our farmer to get a big project done and she is so thankful for their help...they restored her faith in the younger generation!” To find out more about Rose Bridge Farm and Sanctuary, please visit their web site at https://rosebridgefarmsanctuary.com/.