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OMPH School Building Improvements

It has been a busy summer at OMPH School! We will be welcoming back our Kindergarten through 8th grade students on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Students will be greeted in a freshly-painted lobby, thanks to Mr. Sunny’s hard work!

The addition of a second Kindergarten classroom for the 2024-25 school year meant that another space was needed in our Elementary wing. Our staff worked diligently to move our LabLearner system into Mrs. DiNovis’ classroom in the Middle School wing. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students will experience a high school style set-up for Science and Math classes, utilizing groups of tables instead of desks. Each table will be equipped with the access needed to power microscopes and other Science-related equipment.

Mrs. Edmiston and her Pre-Kindergarten friends have relocated next to the Preschool 3 classroom, in what was the Science Lab. Her classroom received a complete makeover and is ready to welcome an amazing group of 4-year-old learners!

Kindergarten at OMPH School will now be split into Kindergarten Blue (Mrs. Gerhard) and Kindergarten Gold (Miss Peters). Kindergarten Gold is located across the hall from Kindergarten Blue, in what was the Pre-Kindergarten classroom. We are excited to have 31 students joining us for Kindergarten this year!

Families will notice a change to the back of our school as well: new playground equipment, gazebos, and a freshly-paved parking lot. Thanks to the hard work of an OMPH School family, we were able to secure and install a large, new-to-us playset for our students behind the building. The gazebos will provide a shaded area for students and parishioners alike to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

A huge thank you to all those who donated their time, talents, and treasures this summer!

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